DSI Acclaimed Gold Award winners at the International Quality Circles Convention in the Philippines
Representing Sri Lanka with 2 Quality Circles, the DSI Samson Group emerged as the Gold Award winners at the recently concluded International Quality and Productivity Convention 2017, which was conducted by the International Convention on Quality Control Circles (ICQCC) in Manila, Philippines, from the 24th to the 26th of October 2017.
Two subsidiaries of the DSI Group – D Samson Industries and Samson Bikes qualified to stage 2 Quality Circles at this International event after winning Gold Awards at the National QC Convention 2017. These coveted Gold Awards were achieved whilst in competition with 372 QCs from leading corporates and government institutions represented by major corporates of countries such as India, Bangladesh, Mauritius, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, China, Japan, South Korea and the Philippines.
“We are extremely proud of the enthusiasm and the commitment of our valuable employees, especially at our factories. Their loyal contributions towards the continuous improvement and productivity towards manufacturing excellence are highly valued and much appreciated. Winning two Gold Awards at this convention is something extremely commendable.” said the Group Managing Director, Mr. Kulathunga Rajapaksa.