Bharat Avalani of AFF Fast Track programme visits Leo Burnett Sri Lanka
BharatAvalani, ChiefKnowledgeOfficer of the AFAA FastTrack Programme recentlyvisited the Leo BurnettSri Lanka office to meet and receive feedback fromBurnetterswho have attendedthisinsightfulprogramme over the pastthreeyears. On hisvisit, he met with 2016 attendees; Nadiya De Lanerolle, Varuni Jayasekera, Shahzaad Zahirsha and Samantha Wijesundara, 2015 attendeesAnfazAmanulla and Chamin Marasinghe and 2014 attendees Nilusha Wanasinghe, Surani Perera, Rameez Fazal and Rinesh Jayarathne.
FastTrackisaprofessional excellence programme whichisconducted by the AsianFederation of Advertising Associations. The programme isdesignedto groom Asia’sbrightestyoungprofessionals in the marketing communications industry to betomorrow’s leaders. The intensive three-day programme isdesigned to giveyoung talent a quantum leap in theircareers, enablingthem to honetheirskills, rediscovertheir talents, strengths, purpose and passion, whilstdeveloping important leadership skills and the resilience to take on the challenges of a fast-changingindustry.