Ananda vs Zahira – Traditional Cricket encounter for the T. B. Jayah Memorial Trophy
The Old Boys of ZahiraCollege& Ananda College, Colombo came togetherin 2014 &revived the traditionalencounterbetween the two [02] schools. The match, a muchawaitedencounter by all the students, players and the old boys alikeattractedmany supporters frombothsides. The forthcomingfixture of the encounterplayed for the T.B JayahTrophydubbed the “UnityCup” isscheduled to beplayed on 28th of February 2016. The match willbe a one day 50 over per sidegame and willbeplayed at the ZahiraCollege Grounds, Colombo, commencing at 09:30 am. This is the second match since the revival and the respective Cricket Wings of the Old Boys hopethatthiswillbe an annualevent in the future, to showcaseunity and fellowshipbetween the leadingschools in Sri Lanka. The match issponsored by Laugfs, Dialog&Nestlewho have steppedforward to partnerwhatisexpected to be an excitingencounter.
Tuan Burhanuddin Jayah (T.B. Jayah) was a Sri Lankaneducationalist, politician, diplomat and Muslimcommunity leader. He startedhisteachingcareerin 1910 and wasinvitedin 1917, by the then principal of Ananda College, P.D.S. Kularatne, to teachHistory and Classics at the school. He wastheninvited by ZahiraCollege to betheir principal whereheserved for 27 years, underhisstewardship, ZahiraCollegebecame one of the leadingschools in the country.
The FriendshipCupisbeingrevived to rekindle the lostfriendlyrivalrybetweentwoneighbouringschools and the organizers have plannedmany fun eventsduring the day. The spectatorswillbetreated to averyspecial attraction by the Under 11 Teams of the respective schoolswhowillbeengaged in a five over per side soft ballgameduring the lunch break of the main cricket match.
Pastcricketers and old boys of bothschools are invited for the event and distinguishedold boy of Ananda College, Mr. RanjithPandithagewillgrace the occasion as the Chief Guest.