Avurudu Celebrations at Pegasus Reef
Pegasus ReefconcludeditsAvuruducelebrations in grand scale at the hotelpremises in Wattalawithguests and theirfamiliesparticipating. Theeventprovided an opportunity for guest and member of staff to beapart of thecelebration by engaging in traditionalgames and tasting the Sri Lankandelicacies.
The Avuruduactivitiescommencedwith the kiriithireema and the lighting of the oillamp, followed by the traditionalAvurudu breakfast. All thosepresententhusiasticallyparticipated in the Avurudugames, includingKana mutti, Kottapora, Raban Gaseema, Kamba adeema, youghurtkamawhile the childrentook part in gameslikesack race, buniskaema and baloongames.